Hi Peeps! Spread Positivity!! :)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Reasons Portland aint so grand....

I know my hatred for bridges does bias my opinion a teeny bit, here in the "City of Bridges".

However, tonight, as I tried to ride the train across a bridge to see my daughter in the hospital, I had a panic attack, and had to turn around and go home....
I discovered... Tri-Met... Portland's public transit...
So normal from the outside.
No wonder it's so much cheaper than CA's Metro....
On the inside... Like this:
Except drunk and disorderly.
Or dealing drugs.
Or vomiting or urinating.

Makes going over the bridges.... Fun?

Here's kid in the 1st E.R.
And here's view from first hospital:
Which weirds me out.
When my dad was in the god-forsaken hospital built on a hill overlooking the river (here in Portland),
this was the view:
But they took excellent care of him....

Here's an update on my piggies:
They're loud.
They have terrible behavior.
I don't even think they like eachother.
It's like family...

And finally, back in December (?) we had snow for about 4 hours here.
I got stranded at work, did I mention this?

Yeah... that charming little corolla.... would NOT move once hitting the mean icy streets of PDX...

My boss recommends I find an apothecary and get a tincture to help my anxiety for crossing bridges.

I've ALMOST finished my rug...

I MADE that shit.

Oh.... And I've become a full-on vegetarian... But I doubt I'm gonna lose any weight over it.

Love you guys!


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